Is this you?
Our Commitment is to provide you with comprehensive, personalised, practical MYOB and administration training. We will enhance your confidence and knowledge for future re-entry into the workforce.
You are not just learning how to “use a program” – you are learning a whole process, and with ongoing support.

MYOB / Payroll Courses
Whatever your situation our MYOB courses will be tailored to your specific needs. We offer MYOB courses for both the beginner and the advanced user, with small classes and personal attention.

Courses on Demand
StoryBridge Business Services are now offering courses with a more flexible schedule. If you have jobseekers or staff needing urgent training, we can organise courses or training at a suitable date and time.

Rural / International training
Are you living in a rural community or overseas?
Let us come to your town, district or country and train your own locals or staff to fulfil the positions that are available keeping your community alive and working.

Basic Computer, Word, Excel Courses
While training with MYOB, we discovered that many people were still struggling with understanding a computer, we therefore offer courses in Basic Computer, Word and Excel.

Bookkeeping Services
Let us do YOUR books while you work on YOUR business!
To allow us to keep up to date with current procedures and requirements in the workforce we still maintain our busy bookkeeping practice.
During the Brisbane housing boom, my husband decided that he would go into the property development business. After meeting with a local accountant, he came home with a huge company structure. The accountant used a throw away line such as ….Oh! by the way, your wife will have to learn MYOB. I struggled with the bookwork, due to lack of any training and full on stress followed as a result. MYOB had awakened my interest in bookkeeping so I started attending college to learn more. However, it wasn’t until I started a hands-on training course with Cathy Breese that true understanding and confidence began to blossom. Her easy to understand and informal approach to the business of bookwork imparted a degree of confidence I hadn’t experienced before. I want to continue learning MYOB and look forward to my “hands-on training days” with Cathy. I would recommend her to anyone who lacks confidence and wants to gain skills in the bookkeeping business. Even if you don’t ultimately want to do “The Books” …. The knowledge and confidence you’ll gain will be invaluable.